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Monday, September 15, 2008

Google takes aim at Apple's iPhone

If you've ever wished you could put Google in your pocket, you'll have the opportunity soon - quite literally. The search-engine company is on the verge of releasing a software suite to run all aspects of mobile phones.

Google is not manufacturing phones but instead making the software for them - called Android - and relying on a consortium of hardware partners to make handsets in an array of shapes and sizes.

In stark contrast to Apple's "one handset fits all" strategy with the iPhone, Google is hoping to mix Nokia's approach of "a handset to suit every style" with Microsoft's tactic of making the software, then winning market share by roping in many partner companies.

However, while Microsoft charges phone makers for its Windows Mobile software, Google's Android software will be free. Google says it just wants to create the ultimate internet-enabled mobile phone. The payoff for Google is obvious: more consumers of Google services, especially in large developing countries such as India and China, where many people have their first contact with the internet through their mobile phone.

"What's good for the web is good for Google," says Dan Morrill, a Google developer advocate in the US. "The more comfortable with using the web that users are, the more frequently they'll do a Google search.

"We needed it to exist ... we took a look at the mobile space and realised some of the things we wanted to do were not possible in the current landscape of the mobile industry."

What could Google not do? "It came down to permission," he says. "As a PC user, when you open your web browser, you don't have to ask your ISP's permission to change the homepage. When you want to install software, you don't have to go to your computer maker and ask permission."

Morrill is referring to the way telcos have controlled the settings on mobile phones to funnel users back into their WAP portals and the way companies such as Apple have full control over what software can be installed on an iPhone.

"We wanted to create a platform that was open from end to end," he says.

Given its history of free services, Google may also win market share quickly by providing premium services such as push email - where email is delivered to the phone instantly - and free, rather than levying a monthly or annual fee as do BlackBerry maker RIM and iPhone maker Apple. "I can't comment specifically," Morrill says, "but it is safe to say we are not going to radically change our business model of providing value to users, just because this is a mobile device."

Four handset makers are already publicly committed to Google's Open Handset Alliance consortium: HTC, LG, Samsung and Motorola. Several of the world's largest telcos have pledged support, including China Mobile, Japan's NTT DoCoMo and US telcos Sprint and T-Mobile (no Australian telcos have yet publicly declared membership of the consortium but are expected to sell the Google phones anyway).

The first Android mobile phone, called HTC Dream, is tipped to be unveiled within a month. Leaked photos show a touch-screen handset with a large iPhone-style screen, as well as a trackball for navigation and a slide-out qwerty keyboard.

As with the iPhone, Android phones will feature cutting-edge technologies, such as touch screens, accelerometers for sensing movement and GPS receivers for satellite navigation. They will have a web browser that displays pages just like a computer web browser (it uses the Webkit rendering engine - the same one in Apple Safari and the iPhone).

Google says its software is much more open than Apple's. Both companies are promoting their phones as mini computers that can run hundreds of handy, bite-sized applications from third-party developers but Google aims for them to be sold in a much less restrictive way.

Apple, a famously secretive and controlling company, requires anyone who wants to create programs to run on the iPhone to sign a non-disclosure agreement that prevents them from telling anyone about their experiences (good or bad) in programming for the iPhone. Then, once they have created their application, it has to be approved by Apple to be sold and installed through Apple's iTunes software.

Some iPhone application developers have been frustrated by Apple's arbitrary decisions to pull their applications from sale without explanation or notice. One company created an application for iPhone that allowed it to be used as a laptop modem and, after releasing the software for sale, Apple removed it without explanation. Another company created a 99c whoopee cushion application, which Apple refused to release, despite having no rules for developers about bodily noises in applications.

Google is promising Android will have the same ease of use as the iPhone, with a Google-provided online store providing a central place to install applications on an Android phone, without Apple's heavy-handed approach.

Developers will be free to create software for Android phones and publish it via the Google Android Market.

Google's mobile phone software has been released under an open-source licence, meaning anyone is able to download the programming code and modify it. It's the same programming model that has been eating away at Microsoft's market share for years (the popular Firefox browser, for example, is open source).

Such an approach differs starkly from the tightly controlled software platforms used by handset makers in the past. This, analysts say, resulted in slow improvements in mobile-phone software and lack of interest from software developers in making mobile-phone applications.

Internet enthusiasts are excited by the potential for mobile phones that can be easily upgraded with new features.

"Hopefully, with Google releasing the source code to Android, people will start making cool variants that you'll be able to flash your Android phone with," says Phil Sweeney, news editor of broadband enthusiast site

"Just think, people hack existing mobile phones, GPS navigators, cameras with modifications of firmware already. Just imagine what they will be able to do when they have the raw source code to a mobile phone operating system to play with."

However, this openness also poses a risk for Android, says Allen Nogee, an analyst for In-Stat/MDR in Arizona. "Android can run on many types of phones, which means that not all Android applications may run on your phone," he says.

"With the BlackBerry or iPhone, you'll pay more for the device but you'll know the applications offered for these phones will likely work on your phone. With Android there will be many phones and [probably] many applications but compatibility is not assured.

"Developers will need to accommodate many screen sizes, layouts and phone feature sets. The risk is that the user experience might be bad and the tech knowledge required to get it all working might be high, where any non-techy people may be put-off by the experience."

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